The Road by Cormac McCarthy Literary Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 710
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 31 July 2022

Post-apocalyptic fiction is a section of sci-fi set in a time where the world is collapsing or has collapsed. The road by Cormac McCarthy is set in this world where a man and a boy struggling to live. They encounter many struggles and challenges in their travels and are faced with difficult decisions. Throughout this story, McCarthy uses ambiguity, imagery and tone, and symbolism to support his theme of the challenges of survival. 

The use of ambiguity in this story has an immense effect. Throughout the story, there a very few vague mentions of the past and no explanation of the "apocalyptic event". Most flashbacks shallowly mention a woman assumed to be the mother, “When he went back to the fire he knelt and smoothed her hair as she slept'' (Page 16), but there is very little detail or context. The use of ambiguity in this story creates a storyline that readers can relate to. Due to the fact that the characters are called “the boy” and “the man” (Page 90), they can be anyone. When the characters can be anyone and the apocalyptic event can be anything it allows for the readers to put themselves in the story. When the reader is able to do this they can understand the struggle for survival. They are able to ally with these characters better comprehending their adversaries. Furthermore, the use of ambiguity creates a relatable story where the reader is connected with the characters' struggle to survive. 

Additionally, McCarthy's use of symbolism effectively conveys his theme of survival. Throughout the story, the main symbol that is used is “Carrying the fire” (Page 90). This symbol conveys the main point of the story. They use this phrase to represent making moral decisions and maintaining hope for the future. Maintaining hope for the future is crucial to their survival. Without this hope, there would be no point in their survival at all. The entire reason for struggling to survive is based on the hope of a better future. Another meaningful symbol within the story is the flare gun. During their travels, while searching for supplies they come across a flare gun. This is an important symbol because the flare gun is commonly used as a tool for the rescue or preservation of endangered life. Contrarily in this story, the flare gun is used as a weapon “The flare went rocketing up toward the window in a long white arc and then they could hear the man Screaming.” (Page 86). This is symbolic in the sense that in their situation a tool used for salvation instead is utilized as a defensive weapon. No one is coming to save them they need to rely on protecting themselves to survive. In addition the strong use of symbolism in this story through carrying the fire, and offensively using the flare gun prompt the character's hope of survival. 

Finally, the tone and imagery of the book create a scene that the readers can connect to. The purpose of the imagery is to allow the reader to feel as if they are interacting with the characters, they are able to empathize with them. When describing another survivor that the protagonist encountered on the road McCarthy uses gruesome imagery such as ''One of his eyes was burnt shut and his hair was but a nitty wig of ash upon his blackened skull.'' (Page 15), to create a detailed image of the story. As well as imagery Cormac McCarthy uses a melancholy tone to exhibit the desperation of the characters' struggles. He chooses diction such as “Nights dark beyond darkness and the days more gray each one than what had gone before.” (Page 1). This specific word choice creates a bleak tone throughout the story. By using repetition of the word dark and gray he uses color to depict a despairing tone. The use of vivid imagery and a bleak tone greatly enhance the narrative of the story and effectively convey the characters' struggles.

Moreover, the Road is a lifelike captivating story. The use of ambiguity allows the story to be open to interpretation creating a connection to the story. The addition of imagery and tone create an active picture for the reader allowing the struggles to be related to. Finally, the symbolism created a sense of hope prompting the character's perseverance to survive. The use of all these literary devices adds immeasurable value to the portrayal of the struggle to survive in a wasteland. This story of tragedy causes introspection within the reader. The reader is encouraged to think about the reality that anything can happen to our world.

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