The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy Literary Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 302
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 09 August 2022

In the novel The Mayor of Casterbridge, Thomas Hardy introduces tone and word choice to delve deep into the complex relationship between the daughter and father. The tone of the writing highlights the mood and message being sent, which ultimately helps the word choice seem fitting and better displays the relationship between the mayor and his daughter. 

Throughout the novel, tone is used to communicate the energy and mood within the relationship between the mayor and his daughter Elizabeth-Jane. The mayor doesn't seem too fond of his Daughter and that is made clear through the tone. On several occasions throughout this novel, Henchard who is the mayor uses such an angry and disapproving tone towards Elizabeth-Jane.  When speaking to her he speaks in a way of “ardour and an agitation”, it is also described several times that her presence is upsetting to him, “he disliked her with a growing dislike”, “the more she seemed to estrange him”. The presence of tone throughout the entirety of the novel displays this well. 

Thomas Hardy does an excellent job at verbalizing the relationship between the characters with his word choice. Elizabeth-Jane and her father the mayor have an odd relationship after spending so much time apart and the word choice throughout the novel conveys that.  Elizabeth-Jane and Henchard now live in two completely different worlds and lifestyles, the way they speak and act are opposites Thomas Hardys' word choice effortlessly expresses this. Henchard often says things about Elizabeth-Jane that are belittling, “Good God, you are only fit to carry wash to a pig-trough….”, he also reprimands her for thanking house staff and makes fun of her handwriting. A combination of these things along with the tone in which they are said have a great effect on the relationship between the two. 

In Thomas Hardys’ novel The Mayor Of Casterbridge, he uses word choice and tone to describe and explain the no longer familiar and comfortable relationship between father and daughter.

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