The Game by Linsey Miller Book Review

📌Category: Books, Literature
📌Words: 285
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 May 2021

I would like to say thank you for getting me into the groove of reading, it is such a great hobby! I know you are a bookworm and love to read, so I thought I would interest you in a new book. I recently read the book “The Game” by Linsey Miller. This book is very suspenseful and it gives readers a great sense of thrill. It will leave you on the edge of your seat. This book is meant to be read by teens and young adults, which is why I think you will love it. The book is also a murder mystery. The book follows the main character, Lia, as she tries to play a harmless game of Assassins, but it soon takes a turn for the worse. Her classmates start turning up dead, in alphabetical order.

As I previously stated, this book is targeted towards teens and young adults. Linsey Miller helps readers understand the characters better by presenting  them with life struggles that many teens deal with. She portrays parental issues through Lia, whose parents favour her brother over her. She portrays teen relationships and jealousy, as well as gender identity. This book is great if you ever need to know that you are not the only one who struggles.

Here are a few more things about this book. This book is not only suspenseful, but it is also romantic. The book shows the main character, Lia, teamed up with her longtime crush, Devon Diaz. This adds a thoughtful touch to the terrible things going on around them. The book has the perfect balance of humour and grief, making it an interesting read. I sent this letter to you specifically because I thought you would enjoy a great book. I hope you will read it and I think you will thoroughly enjoy it.

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