Teenagers in Romeo and Juliet Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Writers
đź“ŚWords: 393
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 25 July 2022

Yes, I feel that Shakespeare accurately portrays teenagers in Romeo and Juliet for many reasons. One reason is that teenagers often do not know the true meaning of love. This means that they will love people for all of the wrong reasons. Also, as John said, they will often fall in love for irrational reasons. This is like in Romeo and Juliet when Romeo is so set on Roseline and then he sees Juliet and is instantly in love. I think that Shakespeare portrays love in Romeo And Juliet. He shows how when teenagers fall in love the love is very strong at that moment.

He then shows that love can just disappear in seconds and move to someone else. Teenagers are very irrational as what Shakespeare portrays them to be. I think that Shakespeare is very accurate with his prediction of teenage love.

Shakespeare accurately portrays what it is like for a teenager to be in love. Teenagers usually exaggerate a lot and they also love for irrational reasons. Shakespeare portrays the teenagers(Romeo and Juliet) in the play with these characteristics. For example, at the beginning of the play, Romeo is extremely saddened and upset by the fact that Rosaline does not want to be with him. He over exaggerates his emotions here. Romeo was probably not in love with her but he over exaggerates as most teens do. Another example is when Romeo meets Juliet for the first time. In this scene, he is being completely irrational and ridiculous. Shakespeare predicts teenagers in love because most teenagers say they're in love when really it's all about looks. An example of how this is true in Romeo and Juliet is how Romeo was in love with Rosaline and he saw Juliet and he fell in love with her. Romeo never met Juliet in his life and he just saw her and he fell in love with her. The only reason he said he loved her was that she was prettier than Rosaline and teenagers today do that. So in today's world love doesn't really exist in most cases because most teenagers only think of what the other person looks like instead of who they are.

In conclusion, I think Shakespeare does depict a teenager in love because they don’t truly know love and are erratic and dramatic. Teens are now and probably in the future will be like this whether they know it or not. With puberty and hormones, they won’t be able to make true decisions like that until they are older.

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