Responsibility of Gatsby's Death Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Books, Literature, The Great Gatsby
đź“ŚWords: 295
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 28 April 2021

Who is to blame for Gatsby's death? I think that everyone is to blame, but if I had to choose one person, it would be Tom's fault. Tom told George that Gatsby was the one who hit Myrtle. He lied to protect Daisy. He was also trying to get revenge on Gatsby. Tom is to blame for most of the problems in the story. It is Tom's  fault for blaming Gatsby just to protect Daisy, even though he cheated on her. 

Tom told George that Gatsby was the one who hit Myrtle. He told George where Gatsby lived. George proceeded to Gatsby's house and shot Gatsby and himself. George was in an angry and upset state of mind. It was not George's fault even though he shot Gatsby. It is Tom's for blaming Gatsby just to protect Daisy, even though he cheated on her. 

Tom lied to protect Daisy. He lied even though he knew Daisy wanted to be with Gatsby. That is probably the reason he told George it was Gatsby. Tom was cheating on Daisy with Myrtle, but Daisy still stayed with him. Tom knew that if Daisy left him for Gatsby, they wouldn’t have a long-term relationship.  

Tom was trying to get revenge on Gatsby. Gatsby loved Daisy and Daisy loved Gatsby. Tom knew that Daisy would never leave him for Gatsby. He knew that if she did, it would not be long-term. Tom sent them back to East Egg knowing nothing would happen. Daisy was mad and hit myrtle because Myrtle thought Tom was driving the car. 

To sum up everything that has been stated so far, Tom is to blame for Gatsby's death. Tom told George that Gatsby was the one who hit Myrtle. He lied to protect Daisy. He was also trying to get revenge on Gatsby. Tom is to blame for most of the problems in the story.

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