Reflection Essay Example on The Power of The Present

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 317
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 August 2022

Many people believe preparing for the future is much more significant than focusing on the present. Clearly they are wrong, because you’re able to focus on more important tasks than what the future awaits for you. Keeping yourself on track in real time is far more efficient than the future because you live in the moment and you'll have less stress in your hands. 

Life won't be able to prepare you enough for the future so you owe it to yourself to make a living with the time you have now rather than later. You will need to be planning all these ideas you might not even be able to accomplish. You can have your whole life planned out but it won't mean you will make it all happen. Your future can easily be changed in the span of an hour or even two days. Unquestionably, why see a wave start to build up when you can watch a current wave make its way on the surface moving freely on the ocean. 

Living a stressful life can be like when Pepa in the movie Encanto begins to make a thunderstorm when she isn't in a peaceful situation with her family. She can feel her waves crashing down as she begins to worry about what the future will hold for them and their home. The vision their brother had seen slowly began to play out like a map. Pepe had a rollercoaster of emotions sweeping her off her feet when she began to think of ways to stop the unfortunate event. She had rainbows and storms following her every step, when she would ponder about the future. If she just wanted to feel her mind restless with no distress, then she should've put her mind into the present timing. 

Without a doubt, don’t wonder about the future just live because you will begin to feel tension within yourself. When you ever decide to think about the time ahead, try to envision yourself in five years wishing you weren’t worrying so much about the future. 

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