Reflection Essay Example on Sacrifice

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 510
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 09 August 2022

Everyone makes sacrifices, a sacrifice being the act of giving something highly valued for the Sake of getting something considered to be of greater value in return, But you don't always understand the cost of the sacrifice. For example, Staying up late to finish An assignment You're sacrificing the amount of sleep you will get another example is Sacrificing something you love for someone you love. What tends to happen when we sacrifice our wants and needs we don't focus on what we lose or miss out on we focus on the reward that will come from that sacrifice.  But not all sacrifices are for the better, you might think they are at the time and regret them in the future, sacrifices are like a double edge sword one edge would solve a problem but the other could potentially cause even more problems. Let's get into the pros and cons of sacrifice and how we balance the life of give and take.

There are a lot of great sacrifices that can be made in this world. Such as waking up earlier which means going to bed earlier, You don't have to get up at the crack of dawn, but even waking up 40 minutes earlier can give you more time to prepare for your day or relax before you start your day. Limiting the amount of time you on your phone is another great example of a good sacrifice, social media is great for staying connected to your friends and family but can become addicting limiting the amount of time you are on your phone every day can help connect to the real world and everything that's going on around you. 

Not all sacrifices are good though there are sacrifices people make every day that are not good for them in the long run. An example is sacrificing a friendship for your partner might seem like a great idea at the time because your partner is happy but then you have lost a friend at that sacrifice that you have lost for someone who might not always be there. Another example is sacrificing your health and happiness for your job or for family, you are trying to help everyone around you at the cost of yourself and you think that that is ok because it is helping people but that sacrifice has long-term effects on you. You have to think about sacrifices every day cause everything you do is a sacrifice of something else.

A lot of successful people have said that they sacrificed sleep, time, health, and personal life for their success. And this is a great example of sacrifice because while they are sacrificing these important things they are getting rewarded. And for some people that is enough of a reason to do it. It really just depends on the type of person you are and the type of person you want to be. There are people who wouldn't sacrifice any of those things just for wealth and fame and there are some people who would sacrifice everything for it.

In conclusion, sacrifice is all around you every decision you make is a sacrifice of something else. Whether it be for the better or worse is up to you and what you see as success or failure.

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