Raymond's Run by Toni Cade Bambara Theme Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Literature
📌Words: 753
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 07 August 2022

I talk to everyone in the same way, whether it's the garbage man or the President of the university - Albert Einstein. This quote conveys the real life theme of respecting everyone despite differences or conflicts. The story Raymond's Run by Toni Cade Bambara also conveys that same theme. Raymond's Run is about a girl nicknamed Squeaky, who is a talented and ambitious runner.  While other girls her age are interested in the town’s May Day Dance, she’d prefer to compete in the 50 yard dash.  When Squeaky isn’t running, she is tasked with helping her brother Raymond who is “not quite right,” get through his life.  Raymond faces many challenges in his life because he is different from other boys.  Squeaky is different from other girls too, and this causes conflicts with her mother who doesn’t accept her decision to run.  Squeaky also has trouble getting along with her friend Gretchen at first, but they learn to respect each other in the end.  Raymond’s run has many examples like these of how differences can cause conflict.  After reading this article you will have learned to show respect to everyone despite their differences. 

Firstly, in the story Squeaky is mad that her mom wants her to act like the other girls instead of accepting her differences. In the text squeaky says “my mother thinks it’s a shame I don’t take part and act like a girl for a change.”  This shows that Squeaky feels bad about her mom not respecting her for who she is. Next, Squeaky says “You’d think she’d be glad her daughter ain’t out there prancing around a Maypole getting the new clothes all dirty and sweaty and trying to act like a fairy or a flower or whatever you’re supposed to be, instead of trying to be yourself.”  This shows that Squeaky thinks  she should be able to be who she is and still be respected equally. In all, Squeaky is upset that her mom wants her to act like a girl instead of accepting her differences.

Next in the story Raymond’s Run by Toni Cade Bambara, Squeaky realizes that she and Gretchen ( her rival ) should respect each other for who they are instead of arguing. For example,  Squeaky thinks to herself “She nods to congratulate me and then she smiles. And I smile. We stand there with this big smile of respect between us.” This shows how after the race the girls realize that they should've respected each other the whole time. In the story, Squeaky thinks to herself “I look over at Gretchen and I smile. Cause she’s good, no doubt about it. Maybe she’d like to help me coach Raymond; she obviously is serious about running, as any fool can see.” This part of the text shows how Squeaky realizes that Gretchen is worthy of respect even though they don't always get along. In conclusion Squeaky realizes that she and Gretchen should respect each other as competitors instead of arguing and fighting.

Finally, Squeaky realizes that even though Raymond is different he should still be treated equally.  “Raymond with his arms down to his side and the palms tucked up behind him, running in his very own style, and it’s the first time I ever saw that.  I almost stopped to watch my brother Raymond on his first run.” This explains that  despite Raymond being “not right” he should still be given a chance to run like everyone else even if he does it in his own way.  Then Squeaky thinks to herself, “as he comes over I’m jumping up and down so glad to see him — my brother Raymond, a great runner in the family tradition.” This evidence shows how Squeaky realized that despite his disability Raymond should still be respected and given a chance to run.  She also decided that she was gonna help him achieve that goal.  In all, Squeaky realizes how even though Raymond is different he should still be viewed and respected equally.

In conclusion you should always respect everyone despite differences or conflicts, and the book Raymond’s Run by Toni Cade Bambara really does convey this theme. For example Squeaky (the main character ) realizes that she and Gretchen ( her rival) should respect each other for who they are, instead of arguing.  Squeaky is also mad that her mom is disappointed in her because  she doesn’t act like a girl instead of accepting her differences.  Ultimately, Squeaky realizes how even though her brother Raymond is different he should still be viewed equally.  I talk to everyone in the same way, whether it's the garbage man or the President of the university.” Albert Einstein knew this was important, and now after reading this essay you do too.

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