Odysseus Character Analysis Essay Sample

📌Category: Homer, Odyssey, Poems, Writers
📌Words: 333
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 July 2022

In Homer’s epic poem “The Odyssey,” the epic hero Odysseus demonstrates being resourceful and daring. In this story, we follow Odysseus as he makes his prolonged, arduous journey back home after his battle at Troy. After twenty years, Odysseus returns to see suitors swarming his house and his wife, Penelope.

An example of Odysseus being resourceful is when he hastily made a raft out of his broken ship that Zeus struck. When he and all of his men went overboard, Odysseus noticed “a backstay floated dangling from [the ship]” as well as “stout rawhide rope.” Odysseus used these to “[lash] mast and keel together” in order to make a buoyant structure to stay afloat above the ocean. Even though his ship was destroyed, and he was on the verge of drowning, Odysseus used his characteristic of resourcefulness to use what was around him to get out of this situation. This allowed Odysseus to survive and later be able to return to his homeland, Ithaca.

Furthermore, Odysseus indicates he is especially daring. Odysseus had returned home 20 years after his journey, and wanted revenge on all the suitors that had taken over his house. He only had himself and Telemachus (his son) available to fight them. Although outnumbered, Odysseus firmly decides he will “kill [his] enemies” and tells Telemachus that he will “put all [his] mind to it.” Later on, Odysseus sees through with his plan and successfully kills all of the suitors with the help of Telemachus, Eumaeus (a swineherd and friend of Odysseus), and herdsmen. Very few people have the strength or courage to face over one hundred men in combat, but Odysseus portrayed that he was certainly daring and was determined to take the risky challenge even if it cost his life. The effect of this battle resulted in Odysseus reuniting with his wife and regaining his kingdom.

Throughout the entire epic, Odysseus shows many great qualities as well as faulty ones. His actions during his journey back home and his decisions once he arrived truly signify what kind of hero he is. Odysseus is a complex, well-written character; however, he specifically exemplifies the traits of being resourceful and daring.

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