Montague And Capulet Essay Example

📌Category: Literature, Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare
📌Words: 472
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 01 May 2021

A fight broke out once again in the busy streets of Verona. The third time the feud between The Montagues and Capulets abruptly ended the peace of the people. The two noble families of Verona had been fighting for so long that they didn’t even know why they were fighting. 

It was a typical day in Verona. The scorching sun had caused everyone to sweat. Many people were out on the streets shopping. Just like the rest of the people two servants of the Capulet family Sampson and Gregory were out wandering the streets. Everything was going fine until the two servants spotted a servant of the Montagues. They hastily made their way towards the servant Abram. Sampson then told Gregory that they should frown when they go up near Abram however, they shouldn’t be the ones to start the fight. Gregory agreed and they made their way up to Abram. 

Sampson and Gregory got near Abram and Sampson bit his thumb. When Abram realized this. He turned around to ask the two if Sampson was biting his thumb at him. Sampson then responded, “I do bite my thumb, sir.” Again, “Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?”, asks Abram.  Sampson looked at Gregory and asked him “Is the law of our side if I say “ay”? When Gregory responded by saying no, Sampson looked at Abram and said “No, sir. I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I do bite my thumb, sir.” After Sampson said that Gregory this time asked Abram “ Do you quarrel, sir?” Abram replied with, “Quarrel, sir? No, sir.”

Sampson told Abram that his men were better than his and they would win a fight any day, This offended Abram and they kept arguing about whose men were better. Eventually, they both took their swords out and started to fight. Benvolio then realized what was going on and told them to break the fight while taking out his sword. Right after Benvolio, Tybalt came. “What, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds? Turn thee, Benvolio. Look upon thy death,” snarled, Tybalt. Furthermore, Benvolio told him that he was only trying to break up the fight. Tybalt didn’t find this appealing and the two of them also started to fight. In addition, Lord and Lady Capulet and Lord and Lady Montague saw what was happening and joined in the fight. This scene induced the rest of the people and they started to take sides and a huge fight erupted. That was when Prince Escalus entered and finally stopped the fight. 

Since the Capulets and Montagues have been fighting for ages, the best way to resolve this issue would be for the Prince to gather both the families and order them to talk it out and if they don’t do so properly they should both be kicked out of Verona for good. Everyone in the fight should also be punished but the ones that caused the fight in the first place should get the harshest punishment compared to the rest. 

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