"Master Harold"...and the Boys by Athol Fugard Play Analysis

📌Category: Literature, Plays
📌Words: 625
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 05 June 2021

The play of “master harold… and the boys” has a very rising and falling action with the characters in the story. For the main character we have willie the middle aged black boy, sam the older black man & Haley the middle aged white boy. Sam and Wallie work for Haley’s parents in South Africa for a place called the tea-room. What happens in the beginning in the story is that wallie has a dance contest and is trying to get better as he asks Sam for advice he tells him his wrongs and wallie gets frustrated and try’s pointing his wrongs on hilda his dance partner for never being there when it’s time to practice or if made a mistake she was beaten for it. Sam tries to tell Wallie that’s not a good reason to beat a lady over. For another accusation this play takes place in the 1950s where race is a issue for Sam and Willie but not for Halley. 

As Haley gets older he seems to speak more on racial matters and speaks out of action around the other boys, sams point of view on Haley changes and thinks of him just like Haley’s father but in more in a Crucial way. More into detail the black boys are the servants they’re not just workers and Halley and his parents serve authority figures. This play speaks on the racially stratified environment but does not address it out in the open instead he seems to put this conflict between the relationship of the two characters in the play. Although the main characters in the play are friends they cannot bypass the situation as it quickly becomes a problem as they cannot ignore the way society sees them. 

As the main characters their flaws are shown wallie is a sweet child kind of guy which makes him more vulnerable in most situations, he also looks up to Sam and by the end of the play he understands his wrongs and tries to change. Sam is a patient wise black man with a sense of humor, Sam has hope for Haley as he hopes for him to change his point of view and how he sees the world, as for Haley, he is a stubborn spoiled white kid with some intelligence. He is stubborn because his parents don’t mind him so he takes it out on Wallie and Sam because they won’t talk back to him by the end of the play Haley holds a lot of regret but won’t admit it. 

Even though there are many possibilities to count, one of them is for Haley point of view of how he sees society, people, and his own ways allowing him to make a possible change for him in the future. 

For the end of the story it gets intense as how Haley’s some harsh words to sam, sam tries to ignore it and calm Haley down, Haley is so rallied up that he is speaking without thinking with an emotional mark at the end of the story although that wasn’t exactly the end Wallie confronts sam on his decision and promised a change but Haley on the hand with dramatic thrive he has said a harsh word to Sam that he wouldn’t forget, sam speaks up and sits him down with him saying that Haley is Ashamed of his own father that why if he’s just like him he should be ashamed of himself.  “But the one person who should have been teaching you what that means was the cause of your shame” “That's why I tried to stop you from saying these things about him. It would have been so simple if you could have just despised him for being a weak man”. 

The moral of this story is inequality as this story has symbolic meanings such as the kite which means freedom and the bench a racial barrier. Athol Fugard the extent of racism but it is also blind that the human eye can’t see.

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