Kath And Mouse Essay Review

📌Category: Literature
📌Words: 276
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 14 April 2021

In the story “Kath and Mouse”, Kath is portrayed as an immensely rude yet popular person. Kath is an extremely popular person at her school. She was so popular that In the story, “Kath stood up then, to signal that the eating part of lunch was over. Everyone else at the table picked up their trays, following her like robots.” (McNaughton 63). This actively demonstrates how much of an impact Katheryn had on other kids. Also, how everyone was intimidated by Kath. In addition to that previous statement, Kath was an incredibly rude and demeaning person. She would often pull disgusting pranks and say rude things to her fellow classmate Helen, Undoubtedly Kath had developed a mindset that she was better than everyone else. For example, Kath and her friends threw a dodge ball at Helen trying to harm her and also they tried shutting the storage door on Helen meanwhile, it was ten below zero in the storage room. It is obvious that Kath bullies others for the fun of it, Unquestionably she isn’t the ideal person anyone wants to be friends with. She doesn’t care who she hurts unless it herself. In the story, Kath picks on a nice girl by the name of Christine. Christine was popular and athletic, she would always have parties and sleepovers. Everyone was invited except for Kath due to her harsh actions, Kath later comes to regret her decision after she realizes how much better Christine is doing. Clearly, Kath had not known how cruel a person she was until it all came back to dwell on her. In other words karma. To sum up, everything that has been stated bullying is never okay in any situation. Kath’s actions were wrong and cruel. All actions have consequences likewise Kath’s actions.

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