Justice for George in Of Mice and Men Essay Example

📌Category: Books, Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck
📌Words: 549
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 July 2022

To the Salinas County District Attorney, 

George shot Lennie in the back of the head, in response to Lennie murdering Curleys wife. George acts as Lennie’s caretaker due to Lennie’s brain problems. When George shot Lennie, he did it in response to Lennie killing Curley's wife. George is justified in killing lennie because there is a lynch mob after Lennie due to his lack of social skills and not understanding certian things, He kills Curleys wife, and Lennie already continusly causes trouble and put George and him in bad spots that George had to get them out of. 

In Weed a situation happened where Lennie got a rape alligation. Lennie has a mental disability that causes him to act childlike and have a harder time understanding people's responses to things he does. For example, Lennie loves touching soft fabrics, or soft things such as mice, puppies. In the town of weed Lennie sees a woman with a red dress of a soft material. Due to his fascination with soft things he goes to grab the girl and when she pulls to let go he grabs her tighter not knowing how to respond. She ran to the men and told them and that caused theyre to be  a lynch mob after Lennie and George. 

Another thing Lennie did was he killed Curley's wife. Lennie is such a big guy he doesn't understand his own strength and emotions nor does he know how to control them. Curley's wife became vulnerable to Lennie and let him touch her hair since it's soft and he likes how soft things feel. As he's touching her hair he grips too hard so gets mad and yells at him to let go of her hair. 

Him not knowing how to react to that pulls her hair harder.  When he does that she starts screaming out of fear not knowing what's going to happen to her. He grabs her mouth and squeezes and then snaps her neck. Lennie cannot control himself and doesn't realize his strength due to his lack of emotional development.

George has always said how Lennie was pushed against and dumped on him as a extra responsibility and taking care of him is extremely stressful George explains how far in life he would be if he didn't have to take care of Lennie. Saying how he would be able to  go to the town and have a drink whenever he wanted, have a girlfriend, shoot pol, and in general have a life without having to constantly stress over what Lennie is going to drag them into. Despite his feelings George knows how to keep himself together and after he said all these things he apologized to Lennie. George genuinely cares for Lennie and tries to keep him safe but this time he went to far. 

When George and the men went back to the barn and found Curley's wife dead they instantly knew it was Lennie so they go out to find him and Lennie ran off to hide. Showing he knows what he did was wrong, When George finds him in the brush Lennie tries to grab the gun from Georges hand and George shoots him as an act of self defence and for justice for Curley's wife.

George is not liable for the death of Lennie Smalls and does not deserve to get punishment for it. Lennie was killed because the murder of Curleys wife and theyre was a lynch mob after him already which shows how much trouble he gets into already. 

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