Jack Merridew as a True Evil in The Lord of the Flies Essay Sample

📌Category: Books, Lord Of The Flies
📌Words: 505
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 25 July 2022

The characters are forced into an unfamiliar situation with no escape, highlighting the true evil that resides in every human as they urge power, control, respect, food, and most of all survival. Jack Merridew is the main character in the story Lord of the Flies represents the true evil that resides in humans. He will do anything for power, control, and respect such as lying, sacrificing lives, and killing. “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood. ” ( Golding pg 69 ). Jack and his group were quite proud of themselves as they had just killed a pig brutally and were carrying it on their backs chanting what Jack was chanting. Jack Merridew had just killed a pig brutally as the quote stated “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood ”and felt very proud of himself for what he had done, chanting the way he killed the pig to the group. This represents Jack very well as it shows his savagery for food and respect by killing a pig. If he did not have the need for power, control, respect, food, and survival he would not use the method for killing and there is plenty of vegetation such as fruits, but this would mean he would not gain power and respect. It also supports the thesis as he is forced into an unfamiliar situation with no escape resulting in the evil in his human nature emerging for power, control, respect, food, and most of all survival. My second point to how the true evil that resides in every human is with Roger who is a character in the story Lord of the Flies That represents brutality and bloodlust at their most extreme as he strives for power so he can hurt people. “You couldn't stop me coming if I wanted.” ( Golding pg 159 ). Roger casually threatens Robert in Chapter 10, when he comes upon Robert keeping watch at Castle Rock. By this point, Roger has already been established as a sadistic and cruel boy. Robert explains the apparatus rigged to drop large boulders on enemies, which Roger finds exciting for its violence. This conversation foreshadows Roger’s barbaric murder of Piggy in chapter 11 when he drops the boulder on Piggy. Roger threatens Robert in a casual yet delirious voice as the quote says “You couldn't stop me coming if I wanted ” ( Golding pg 159). This shows that Roger has a disturbing mental state which brings out the evil human nature in him full of savagery and the urge for power to hurt more people as he is quite disturbed. This inevitably led to the death of Piggy. I feel that this supports the topic sentence and main argument as once Roger realized they were forced into an unfamiliar situation with no escape the evil human nature emerged from him to be delirious, savage, and disturbing to gain the power to hurt more people. Jack and Roger (characters in Lord of the Flies) have shown us that when you are forced into an unfamiliar situation with no escape, it highlights the true evil that resides in every human as they urge power, control, respect, food, and most of all survival and in Rogers cause pain of others.

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