History Essay Example: French Colonization of Africa

📌Category: Colonialism, History
📌Words: 887
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 04 August 2022

In November 1884, the Superpowers of the world gathered together in Berlin to discuss the colonization and civilization of the great mysterious continent of Africa. This historical occurrence would forever be remembered as the Berlin Conference, and would inevitably shake the course of history. Of those foreign powers in attendance, very few were able to establish themselves as a great colonial power like France. The French republic was able to get massive gains out of this event as it would end up with most of West Africa, valuable resources, and increased economic trade. Although not the colonial power it once was, France still managed to scar its former colony’s identity culturally, geographically, politically, economically, and technologically. 

One of the most influential ways France was able to impact its former colonies was culturally. During its reign over Africa, France was successfully able to implant seeds of French culture, and language in its former colonies. Surprisingly, the continent of Africa has the largest French-speaking population in the world. Twenty-one African nations officially recognize French as an official language of the country. In addition, there are multiple African delicacies that contain French origins. Some examples include Le Couscous which is the national dish of Morocco and other former French colonies. Other famous dishes include Jollof rice which is eaten all over West Africa, and Le Koba which is popular in Madagascar. Most of this came to be because France offered citizenship to any of the African natives who adopted the french cultures, traditions, and language. It also granted them the rights, and responsibilities of French citizens. France today still holds some influence over Africa which is known as Françafrique. (“Traditional Foods”).

Another area in which the French scarred the continent of Africa is geographically. France along with other major powers helped to distinguish the African borders, and deprived the African lands of some of their most valuable resources for their own gain. In 1958 most of the french colonies in west africa decided to unite, and create French West Africa. “The French came to focus on gum arabic, groundnuts (or peanuts) and other raw materials originating in the interior regions.” (“French in West Africa”). This quote given by a very informative site helps to further explain some of the resources that France was intrigued in. Today most of Africa is still abundant with raw natural resources like uranium, gold, diamonds, bauxite, oil, and cobalt. However, most resources in this area are isolated by physical barriers. (“French West Africa”).

In addition France also influenced the political side of Africa which is arguably one of the most important characteristics. Today many countries that were former French African colonies have a political system that was introduced by the French. "Shortly before independence, France decided to abolish the parliamentary system in some countries like Ivory Coast and introduce a presidential regime in which all territories and powers are in the hands of the head of state” (www.dw.com). This quote which originated from a very interesting site offers very crucial historical information on how former French colonies received many of their present day political ideas. Thanks to the French colonial system, many African countries today have adopted a democratic form of government. (www.dw.com).

The next area in which the country of France impacted their former colonies in Africa is economically. Even after the withdrawal of France from their former colonies, the two sides still possess strong economic ties. “In exchange for military protection against attempted coups and the payment of hefty kickbacks, African leaders guaranteed French companies access to strategic resources such as diamonds, ores, uranium, gas and oil.” (www.dw.com). This quote helps to further invest upon the idea that France still offers protection over its former colonies in exchange for valuable resources. Today France receives 100% of their uranium, 90% of their bauxite, 76% of their manganese, and 59% of their cobalt from Africa today. Even though France no longer has claims in the African continent, they still remain one of the most important pieces in the African economy. (www.dw.com).

The last and final way France was able to leave an impact on their former claims in Africa was technologically. France was very impactful in the technological advances that were brought to Africa. “Civilizing efforts included the development of colonial infrastructure, especially in railway transportation and healthcare provision.” (e-ir.info). As illustrated by the commentary above France was the primary suspect of bringing infrastructure, railway transportation, and healthcare to their former African colonies. Many technological advances that are present in Africa today, can be traced back to French roots, as they played a key role in African technology. (Benneyworth).  

In conclusion, one can see that France played a crucial role in the development of their former colonies into the countries everyone knows today. Whether it be culturally, geographically, politically, economically, or technologically, The French colonial empire forever stained the great mysterious continent of Africa with their influence. They accomplished what few countries were ever able to dream of. The great French colonial empire will forever go down as one of the greatest and influential foreign powers in world history. 

Works Cited

Bada, Ferdinand. “French Speaking Countries in Africa.” WorldAtlas, WorldAtlas, 28 June 2018, https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/french-speaking-countries-in-africa.html. Accessed 8 Feb. 2022

Benneyworth, IJ. “The Ongoing Relationship between France and Its Former African Colonies.” E, 12 June 2011, https://www.e-ir.info/2011/06/11/the-ongoing-relationship-between-france-and-its-former-african-colonies/. Accessed 8 Feb. 2022

Boundless. “Boundless World History.” Lumen, https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-worldhistory/chapter/france-in-africa/. Accessed 8 Feb. 2022

French in West Africa, https://www.africa.upenn.edu/K-12/French_16178.html. Accessed 8 Feb. 2022

“French West Africa.” French West Africa, https://geography.name/french-west-africa/.  Accessed 8 Feb. 2022

MULAYIM, Resul. “French Influence in Africa (Post-Colonial Period).” Beyond the Horizon ISSG, https://behorizon.org/french-in-africa-post-colonial/.  Accessed 8 Feb. 2022

“Traditional Foods in French-Speaking Countries - Food - GCSE French Revision - BBC Bitesize.” BBC News, BBC, https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z2wk87h/revision/3#:~:text=North%20Africa,such%20as%20chicken%20or%20lamb.  Accessed 8 Feb. 2022

(www.dw.com), Deutsche Welle. “Africa and France: An Unfulfilled Dream of  Independence?: DW: 03.08.2020.” DW.COM, https://www.dw.com/en/africa-and-france-an-unfulfilled-dream-of-independence/a-54418511. Accessed 8 Feb. 2022.

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