Fatherhood and Masculinity Theme Analysis in News of the World

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 267
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 14 September 2021

The theme of fatherhood and masculinity is most prevalent throughout the novel “News of the World.” This novel makes an argument of loosening gender norms and the fact that men learn from emotional experiences. Captain Kidd is not only faced with gaining his sense of purpose but also to care for Johanna in the best of his abilities.  

Captain Kidd's masculinity is challenged by the emotional and nurturing stereotypes; most carried out by female care takers, that he must learn. “More than ever knowing in his fragile bones that it was the duty of men who aspired to the condition of humanity to protect children and kill for them if necessary. It comes to a person most clearly when he has daughters.” (Jiles pg.31) Author Jiles has included this statement to highlight his responsibility for the situation. Captain Kidd also uses Johanna to bridge the emotional gap lost between his children and grandchildren due to circumstances. 

Although Captain Kidd exhibits paternal instincts towards Johanna, that is not to say he has not made mistakes. He reluctantly left her with relatives knowing the trauma she would endure. Jeffrey Cookston backs this behavior by stating “Remember that almost everything about family life can be improved. If fathers deeply desire more time with their children, they’ll make the time.” and lists the obstacles faced with distant father figures. Captain Kidd provided Johanna with a better childhood and a sense of direction for himself at the end of things. 

Gender roles have broken boundaries when it comes to parenting. The emotional and arduous journey that Captain Kidd was faced with made focus shift to his inner conscious. This not only will bring a sense of community but affect a fathers' relationship with his child.

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