Essay Sample on Why Does Feminism Even Exist

📌Category: Feminism, Social Issues
📌Words: 397
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 16 July 2022

On this journey, we are finding answers on why does feminism even exist? Why weren’t we just naturally born with it? Why are there things in this world we women need to fight for? And why are we called humans and not huwomans? And the list goes on.

It’s simply amusing that women artists back then needed to fight to make it to the art galleries. Does art have a gender too? Isn’t art still art or a photograph still a photograph no matter who created it? 

Barbara Kruger, an American conceptual artist who involved the color red in her work which was very unusual for the 80s, was one of the artists fighting for justice through her art. Next comes Cindy Sherman, a woman who sees the extraordinary in the ordinary, her work is full of women around us doing the most normal things. Furthermore, coming to sexuality and body positivity, “Nature is always beautiful and also disgusting. Even the most beautiful people leak, bleed and shit, I want honesty, I want the gross shit. Don’t sell me the fantasy beauty” says Maisie Cousins. (Biju Belinky, DAZED 100) Masie cousins is totally giving us a reality check with the true definition of beauty, and here I wonder who invented the word gross? Who categorized things as gross or beautiful. Her art makes us truly realize how beautiful femininity is and how gross is just not gross. Moreover, Alina Gross has been doing a similar job in her photographs with her very unusual and bizarre idea of the female body.  

For someone who’s been banned from the Instagram three times, Aviya Wyse does a great job at escaping the instagram “community guidelines” and still spreading body positivity and nudity in a very subtle way. And she said it best “No one can seem to figure out why a period stain or a tuft of pubes can get your account deleted, and yet Kim Kardashian West’s naked, oiled butt is totally chill.” (Karley Sciortino, 2018) On the other hand, Alpha Channeling is taking the internet by storm with her exquisite erotic art, one can’t take their eyes off.

To sum it all up, what is common in all of these images is women, women who just want to be heard, women who just want equality, who just don’t want to be pretty all the time, who want the reality, who want to kill the taboo and just be themselves. Not all women want a fairy tale, some just want an equal pay. And there we found all our answers.

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