Essay Sample on Digital Divide

📌Category: Internet, Science, Technology
📌Words: 414
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 July 2022

As time passes by, many things begin to alter worldwide. In the 21st century, humans and computers have formed a strong connection that has become important to society as a whole. Accessing a computer and as well as the internet has become progressively more important. Having a computer can determine one’s economic, political, or social status. All these factors contribute to whether a person has a computer or not. But not all have access to this technology. This division of people who do and do not have access to computers refers to the term digital divide. Digital divide is a gap that is growing between the middle class, upper class, and wealthy living in areas that have access compared to the lower class, elderly and those who live in rural areas who don’t have access to this type of technology. 

Socioeconomic factors are one of the biggest reasons for digital divide. Families with lower income most likely do not have access to a computer at home. They use their cellphones for everything they need. For example, a study in 2014, discovered that 32% of people who are low-income smartphone owners used their cell phone to submit job applications compared with the 7% of higher income smartphone owners. Students with low household income are also affected by digital divide when trying to get their homework done. Teachers are making more assignments digital and those who don’t have access to internet have to go to public places to get their work done. According to a report done by the Wall Street Journal, McDonalds is a popular place where students get their homework done because its open till late and they have free internet.

Digital Divide also reinforced racial inequity. Black and Hispanic households were half of the people who didn’t have access to internet at home. The students from these communities’ struggle with digital literacy and language obstacles. Seventy percent of Blacks and Hispanics were reported unprepared with digital skills which affected their employability. With this divide a majority of these people would be locked out of 86% of jobs by 2045. Digital divide is increasing and will keep increasing because there is no set solution for everyone to have access to the same technology.

When living in a time which relies on computers daily, it is hard to not be able to have one. Technology is taking over the whole world and those who are excluded from not having one are falling behind. In order to move to the future digital divide must be rid of but that is not likely. There will always be people who have access to technology and those who don’t and many factors attribute to that.

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