Essay Sample about World War One

📌Category: Books, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, War, World War I
📌Words: 352
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 27 July 2022

World War One. A World War is a simple term describing wars that involve a significant number of countries. These wars have proven to be some of the bloodiest, most violent events known to humankind. There have been two occurrences of this event and many, if not all countries, strive to never let something like it happen again. This is mainly because of the immensely high death count and economic loss that followed these wars. This war left the world in shambles and would end as an anomaly when in comparison to other wars due to several factors. 

One of these factors being technology, as you most likely know, as years pass by, and time goes on humans advance more and more. And though this is correct for several categories, one of the main ones is technology. New tech such as poison gas, tanks, and flamethrowers greatly remastered wars and are still used today. These new technological advancements led to advantages and disadvantages to both sides which is a war, can make or break a situation.

Another factor that differed this war from the others was the sheer number of countries and people involved in this war. With a large number of 32 different countries and approximately 4 US million soldiers involved in the war. This amount of people partaking caused lots of death, destruction, and tragedy. Around one in forty American soldiers died from battle wounds, sickness, or other causes. By the end of the war, the US had lost a devastating amount of money which was about 22,625,253,000 dollars.

Technology and involvement are and probably will stay on top as one of the biggest factors in a war and this endeavor has been nothing short of a prime example of that. World War One was a war that will certainly be remembered for as long as time goes on due to factors that made it what it was, a world war. Largely because of the legacy and mark that this war has left on the world that is undoubted of great quantity. And to sum it all up, events like these without a doubt shape history and when you compare World War One to the wars before it, you can see just how prodigious this war truly was.

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