Essay Sample about General Nathanael Greene

đź“ŚCategory: Historical Figures, History, History of the United States
đź“ŚWords: 560
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 03 August 2022

Nathanael Greene was an American General in the Revolutionary War. Greene never gave up on the American soldiers and pushed through every battle he fought. He was a great war hero due to his leadership skills, successful strategies, and the effect he had to result in victory for American independence. 

Nathanael Greene affected the Revolutionary War in so many different ways. “Greene participated in the battles of Trenton in New Jersey, Brandywine, and Germantown in Pennsylvania, and he acted as a quartermaster general at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania” ( He served as a general from 1755  to 1783. Greene was made a major general in 1776, to command the Rhode Island militia and acted in the siege of Boston. Nathanael also became the commander in chief of the Southern army in 1778. These are just some of the ways he helped us win the American Revolution. He did not just fight for us, but he strongly stood up for the rights of property and American freedom. Nathanael also helped in the recapture of Fort Washington, and in 1780 was asked to lead the feeble Revolutionary army of the south.

Nathanael Greene was a key factor in helping the Americans to win the Revolutionary War, mostly because of his great leadership skills. But, another reason he was such a big influence on us winning was because of his great tactics and strategies. Greene’s tactics are called Guerilla or hit-and-run tactics. What he did was very simple, after a while of short and quick attacks he would lead the enemies away from their forts making it so they could not get any resources. To be more exact, “Irregular forces kept the British extended while Greene’s main army fought to lour Cornwallis further away from his coastal bases” ( What also helped Greene win against Cornwallis, was leaving decoys so the British would sneak attack the wrong forts. Greene divided his troops, which was a great sacrifice, but this key event helped greatly weaken the British forces. He would let his weaker forces fend the British off, and after the British got weak he would use deadly attacks to wipe the rest of the troops out. His strategies were very new and unknown which was good because the British did not know how to fight them. Greene’s strategies were based on mobility and waiting for the right time to strike. Through all these tactics the British became a less formidable force. 

Nathanael Greene became a general because of the interest he had in fighting for America. It was his perfect opportunity to become a general at the time because tensions between America and Britain were rising. Greene also supported American independence and did not like the British. He wanted to help create a Militia, and people thought he would be a great military leader. Greene was elected to the Rhode Island legislature in 1770 and became an eager advocate for American independence from Britain. In 1774 he helped form a Rhode Island Militia called Kentish Guards and went to help out in a battle called Lexington and Concord. From there he became the great general he was. 

Nathanael Greene was a great military commander, and will always be remembered as one today. He helped form the greatest country there is, and shaped how others view America. It was the best choice Nathanael Greene made by becoming a general, because of his great help in the Revolutionary war. Nathanael’s great military skills, and tactics are the reason why we are an independent country. He will go down as one of the best, or maybe even the best General we have ever had.

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