Essay on Justice and Equality

📌Category: Black Lives Matter, Human rights, Racism, Social Issues
📌Words: 432
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 May 2021

What is Justice and Equality? These words have numerous definitions to countless numbers of people, but when somebody gets right down toward a simple definition that creates the same idea in what this world’s life requires. Justice is the quality of being fair, while equality is the state of being equal. The world has not only progressed in technology but also in social and emotional awareness. Protests of different beliefs and hopes made people understand the intentions and concepts of equality and justice. Although as the world progressed, so did arguments and debates. For example, the color of people's skin. During the 1860s, whether anyone was black or white determined their  social standings. People of color were additionally likely to be disrespected even by the 13th amendment made in 1865. Until Martin Luther King Jr. made a speech about equal rights for those of color. It was the famous I have a dream speech. Nowadays, equality of skin color is still being debated even by laws and social awareness. 

The topic of justice versus equality becomes controversial when obvious facts come into play, but aren’t recognized. Another debate about equality and justice is the standpoint of gender roles. Although males and females have undeniable different characteristics that should be accounted for, a woman and a man should have equal opportunities and pay. What people fail to realize is women and men gain the same rights, opportunities, and pay. The wage gap is not real. The only difference is that men are more likely to work extra hours or increasingly likely to climb to the top of the business. When people have different opinions on different topics dealing with justice or equality, arguments approach form and violence starts to occur. For example, the rioting in the Black Lives Matter and the rioting at the capitol. If we all just calmed down and talked about what we reflect is right instead of causing chaos, we would embark on understanding what others are feeling about certain issues.  To build towards peaceful discourse, we should first start off by agreeing about smaller issues in America and start finding solutions as a team. A healthy relationship accompanied by different ideas will not only usher us together, but escort smarter and more progressing ideas to help build the country and the world. If our political leaders used more justice in our system and not used petty political beliefs, our country and our world would feel more useful and can help build each other up. If our people in our country used more equality in what we say and accomplish, our country and our world would feel more useful and can help build  each other up. I know we will get to a state in our world where we can work together.

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