Essay Example about Theseus

📌Category: Greek mythology, Literature
📌Words: 1489
📌Pages: 6
📌Published: 28 June 2022

In the remote lands of Greece, off of streams, and over the Pindus Mountains lived a boy of great strength and tremendous talent. With his hands, filthy but talented, he worked night and day sculpting metals and producing quality pitchers, armors, and jewelry. Onlookers customarily traveled far and wide to visit the site of his abilities and paid their savings for a mere silver chain. His eyes reflected the shimmering metals and the glaring flames in front of his own two orbs, a glittering bright blue. Winning every championship, his opponents lost their aspiration at the sight of the Great Theseus, who was famous for his expertise. Nevertheless, he was haughty to believe no one could win against him, not even the god of metal, Iher. 

Every day, he summoned the presence of many onlookers, anxious to watch the great Theseus at work and destined to buy a gold or a silver necklace before the demand became too great, and Theseus became too tired to shape and sculpt. On one sunny day, his small wooden hut was identical, with sets of sightseers observing Theseus, concentrated at work. Sets of red togas and sandals crowded on the dewy morning grass. 

Many would mutter to each other, “His talent, his work, must have been granted by Iher.¨

“No doubt.” 

Countless admired the work and labor of the talented man so much, the word ‘Iher” traveled around the crowd like wildfire, many comparing his talents to the god of metalworking and blacksmithing. However, this chatter was to the dislike of Theseus, who loathed the comments and believed his talents were unparalleled to everyone, even a god. 

“How dare you?” he boasted to the viewers, simply watching him. Everyone stood still, eyes gaping like a deer at the tail-end of a headlight. 

“My work,” he yelled, aggrieved, “is the consequence of practice and honing, I was not granted these powers.” His face suddenly turned an unnatural cerise. 

“For I, Theseus, to be compared to some lowly god? Witless!”

The audience was silent, astounded by Theseus’ remark, several shook their heads in disdain or grimaced as the two parties stared gawking at each other. Although Theseus went back to work on his newest project, many were disgusted at his words and how he treated their god, whose workmanship undoubtedly would be preferable to the human eye. As the crowd murmured to one another, Theseus looked up, and each time he did, it seemed a family or two abandoned his shack. And once he had finished one of his projects, only two individuals lingered. And as the sky turned an arrangement of blues, purples, and reds, a normally busy meadow became deserted, and was devoid of people. 

The next morning, Theseus had awoken to chaos and anarchy unraveling outside his home. Torches lit up the dim morning sky and the crowds of rowdy men and women sounded like a game at the Olympics. He grumbled, and sat up from his dilapidated bed, creaking and screeching as he did so. Running around his main dormitory, Theseus finally reached his barely-hinged, aged front door. The howling sound of the ancient door gave out an alert to those outside, who started to make their way to Theseus, some running in fury.

¨How dare you?¨ a woman cried, she wore an old, torn brown rag. The wrinkled, old wan clenched her fists as the crowd cheered in compliance. 

¨Unbelievable how you would speak to an immortal, to a superior!¨ another man yelled, his eyes blazing with anger on the behalf of Iher, ¨You have no right! None at all!¨

The crowd roared as Theseus was still standing at the front door of his small shack, his mouth slightly open. The uproar only got louder. 

¨I-¨ Theseus stuttered, biting his nails and pulling his brown, curly hair, ¨I... I...¨ He laughed as he walked down the steps and on the dirt-pathway to his worksite. The crowd of women, men, and even mere children followed him like a herd of sheep, tumultuous roaring still erupting from each of their mouths. 

As the multitude of enraged Greeks followed his every move, still yelling, some blared at him, Theseus stopped dead in his tracks. He looked up as if he were thinking.

¨You know what?¨ he yelled. The crowds roaring halted and they stopped to listen to the once-loved Theseus, ¨You know what?¨ yelling even louder, the crowd stretched far as so many came to protest against Theseus´ remarks.

¨I said what I said! I´m the best around here, and has anyone seen a god? Even one?¨ The crowd gasped, some stared, some were ready to charge at him. 

¨Iher, you may be better above us,¨ he spoke directly to the skies, then locked eyes on the crowd, ¨but until he strolls down to Earth, white silk and all, consider me your superior.¨ 

The redness in the crowd, other than their togas, multiplied. Rather than resembling a human, many had faces as red as a cherry tomato and ears of red pepper. Although many of their eyes were still the same generic blues, greens, and browns, many could imagine the fiery flames reflecting off their pupils and into the mind of Theseus.  

Theseus, who simply acted as if no one was there, sat down on his chair and prepared for a day´s work of metal-sculpting. 

But that did not last long. Sounds of water sloshing in the sea, or the clouds battling one another arose from the sky above them. The bright-blue skies were covered by a giant dark grey blanket, and the shining sun suddenly went dark, its yellow beams covered by the lightning. Fear took over the faces of the mortals as the clouds funneled in a circular pattern, with lightning and thunder circulating around the clouds. In an instant, a figure appeared from the clouds. As it made its way closer to the ground, Theseus made out a white, silk cloak swaying from the wind of the downward descent. Black curly hair became visible, as well as a golden belt weighing down baggy, white trousers. 

The crowd gasped in awe. It was Iher himself, holding a metal piece in his left hand, securing it with his right. As the sky cleared up and the sun peeked out from its darkened quilt, the sculpture shimmered, the metal shining in the heat. He walked on the pathway, then ceased the metal chisel on a wooden stool, which sat beside the large entryway of the shack. 

¨You have requested my presence?¨ He spoke to Theseus directly, puffing out his chest and speaking in a combative tone.

The crowd's murmurs ceased and Theseus immediately concluded his works. His blue eyes stared into the god's great, grey eyes. 

Theseus stood up suddenly, his chair skated across the floor and Theseus´ work dropped to the floor, creating an ear-piercing ¨clank!¨ 

¨Well, well, well,¨ he walked slowly towards Iher menacingly, his fists balled and his soul full of fury, ¨What do you desire from me? Shouldn´t you be up in the clouds o- or the sun, not down here mingling with the mortals?¨ However, nervousness was evident in his voice, he was stuttering, and his steps were trembling as he strolled towards the front. 

Iher stepped forward, his cloudy eyes in line with a mortal, and he spoke demandingly, ¨Well, I see your talents are unparalleled. Please,¨ he told Theseus, ¨recreate what I have made with my own two hands. This is a real test, you see. If your talents really are unrivaled, you can surely construct such a model.¨

And sitting on the stool was a horrific sight. It was none other than Theseus! But he was somewhat laying down, his tunic and trousers sagging, and a metal arrow was sculpted into the body of him. He looked at the piece, then back at Iher, who then motioned for him to sit. 

¨Work!¨ he yelled, his voice deeper and more demanding than before. 

And so he did, he went to his furnace and grabbed a piece of metal on the way, then heated it until it was a blazing red. He sculpted pieces, added, and heated some more for hours, all the while the crowd sat, eyes gaping at Theseus, some murmuring, others even talking to Iher, an immortal! 

Finally, Theseus stood up from his station and ambled towards the stool, holding his project with one hand. He then placed his sculpture on the table, scooting Iher´s out of the way, and walked backward, gawking at his piece. 

¨Done!¨ He announced proudly, his hands on his hips, ¨I think mine is alright. Superior to yours, maybe?¨

Theseus´ sculpture was as horrific, but instead of Theseus as the main character, Iher was sculpted into the metal. His curly hair was now squiggly metal noodles, and his silky clothes were now solid ore.

Iher´s face became full of anger and his mouth exploded out of wrath, ¨HOW DARE YOU?¨ Out of rage, he grabbed Theseus’ neck and held it.


He then secured his grip on Theseus, then he released his hands causing Theseus and his metalworks to crumble and disintegrate into small particles, a contrast to the size of its original. Theseus, his sparkling blue eyes then became a shimmering particle of glitter, rising and twirling up into the sky. In horror, the crowd looked up to see shining dots in the sky, some blue and some silky-white. 

Now, Theseus and his sculptures reside in the sky, only creeping out at night, afraid that he will encounter the terrors of Iher once more. 

And from that frightful night, the stars serve as a reminder to never defy a god.

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