Comparative Essay Example: "Celeste’s Heart" and "Principals and Principles"

📌Category: Literature
📌Words: 411
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 August 2022

In this writing piece I will be talking about Celeste’s Heart and Principles and Principles and how similar they are.

In Celeste's Heart she shows her strength and youth. The passage states “Celeste was the only one who didn't stretch, who didn't complain, who didn't march smartly back to class. I believe that shows the maturity and strength she has. In the next passage we are introduced to her little brother who says “When am I going to school?” while she was putting him to bed and that's where she gets a fire lit under her the next day she protests by not putting her arms up for the punishment. The teacher gets very frustrated but Celestes shortly explains to her that “That her arms hurt and that they were cold and afraid”. The teacher writes in red in her exercise book and her dad  is shocked.

He asked Celeste why he had that note and after she explained he signed it with no problem “smiled and without saying nothing”. She inspired all the little girls in her class to put their arms down as well. After that she could sleep because a passion was lit inside her heart and she made a promise to herself that “her heart would keep growing and growing”. In the story Principles and Principles is a man who is explaining one of his memories of when he  was a school boy. 

There was a new rule made in his school and it was a no shorts policy and I was very warm that day and the weather seemed to keep switching to cold then hot and repeating so he and some of his friends wore shorts and the principle screamed at him and told him he violated the dress code but he said to his friend he didn't and he was called to the principal's office with an pamphlet it his hands and said “that is a violation of their rights” 

The principal screamed and screamed trying to make him cry but he didn't he kept his head up and stopped himself from crying when she saw it wasnt working she sent him out and he joined his friends more so  they were inspired the next day they all protested while wearing shorts again and it was cold but they held in strong. Then in eight grade there was a new rule and that was “to wear appropriate clothing” but he threw it away.

Celeste’s Heart and Principles and Principles are similar because they both inspired people and they were brave leaders throughout their whole process and that's what makes them so similar and unique.

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