Character Development of Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit Essay Sample

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 901
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 18 July 2022

Personalities and people change throughout  a span of time. In literature, characters might become more of an introvert or become more of an extroverted person. Some people start to become more understanding and confident while some people start to become mean and self-aware. The Novel, The Hobbit, by JRR Tolkien is the story of an old man who goes on a quest to find a share of the treasure guarded by a dragon. The protagonist, Bilbo Baggins, was, at first, a very shy and cowardly normal hobbit. He Was shown as a character who was comfortable in his small hobbit hole, and wanted nothing to do with the outside world. Throughout the tale, Bilbo grows and changes in a favourable way and he evolves into an Intelligent, brave, dependable, loyal, and strong Hobbit . In the novel, the main character, Bilbo Baggins, has serious doubts about The quest. However he is overcoming his troubles and fears through this trip and becomes a hero to all, who stays humble and true to himself.

As we began the story, Bilbo's qualities did not appear to be as promising. Bilbo, like other hobbits, was comfortable and carefree. He enjoys his safety, cuisine, tea, and shelter, and he enjoys his isolated hideaway hole. Bilbo starts out as a weak and ignorant character, however over time he matures into a figure eager to exchange challenges with a dragon. Relationships play an important role in Bilbo's heroism. Even though he comes to enjoy adventure and travel as the novel develops, he made it pretty clear on his first journey with Gandalf that he preferred to be at home in his hobbit hole. This quote demonstrates that he did not want to go on this quest “We are plain quiet folk and have no use for adventures.” {page 36} He is always constantly exhausted, although this changes throughout the novel. When Bilbo, the dwarfs, and Gandalf were taken captive by the goblins in the cave in the mountains, he was afraid, but when he saw Gollum, he was still scared, but he had the strength to engage him with his riddles. He didn't yell and flee when he spotted all the goblins guarding the gate; instead, he snuck past them, and became lost in the woods. His bravery didn't stop there. He was okay to change and matured as a result of his friends' support.

As we progress through the book, Bilbo's character begins to change for the better. When Gandalf agrees to help Bilbo in Thorin's search for the treasure under the mountain, Bilbo has a gradual change, developing from a shy homebody at the start of the novel to a fearless and brave hero by the end. Bilbo gradually becomes the dominant force holding the bunch of helpless dwarves together as the journey unfolds, displaying a huge amount of hidden intelligence and strength. He saves them from goblins by calling out to Gandalf, he saves them from wood elves, as well as spiders in Mirkwood. This quote shows when bilbo saves the dwarves from the giant spiders and starts to feel more fearless and confident, “Somehow the killing of the giant spider, all alone by himself in the dark without the wizard or the dwarves or of anyone else, made a great diffrench to Mr baggins. He felt a different person , and much fierce and bolder in spite of an empty stomach.” He discovers the way into the mountain, he leads them to the treasure, he uncovers Smaug's major weakness.

As we progress through the novel and near the end, Bilbo rises as a hero. “‘Go on! Go on!’ he shouted. ‘I will do the stinging!’ And he did. He darted backwards and forwards, slashing at spider-threads, hacking their legs and stabbing at their fat bodies as they came near.” (Tolkien 164). This quote emphasises Bilbo's role as a hero since he demonstrates both courage and confidence when he risked his life to save the dwarves. Bilbo is a hero because he is prepared to put his life on the line to save the dwarves. Bilbo's brave and noble actions are even more impressive since they have no effect on him. He finds abilities he didn't even realize he had. however he doesn't become cocky or abandon his ideals. Thorin realises the worth of hobbits' comfortable lifestyle in his final chat with Bilbo, even in a world of harsh bravery and danger. Even as Bilbo learns to survive in the outside world, he continues to take power from the simple resource that directed him on his heroic journey. Despite his newfound heroics, Bilbo has stayed faithful to himself throughout the novel, as evidenced by his decision to return to his little hobbit hole near the end.

In Conclusion, Bilbo Baggins evolves from his pretty shy self, to a generally brave and kind of humble character, or so they really thought. As he kind of finishes his quest, he actually finds his love in adventuring in a definitely major way. He literally was able to overcome many fears and challenges throughout this quest, particularly further showing how in Conclusion, Bilbo Baggins evolves from his for all intents and purposes shy self, to a definitely brave and definitely humble character in a major way. Bilbo Baggins, was, at first, a very shy and cowardly normal hobbit. He Was shown as a character who was comfortable in his small hobbit hole, and wanted nothing to do with the outside world. Throughout the tale, Bilbo grows and changes in a favourable way and he evolves into an Intelligent, brave, dependable, loyal, and strong Hobbit . In the novel, the main character, Bilbo Baggins, has serious doubts about The quest. However he is overcoming his troubles and fears through this trip and becomes a hero to all, who stays humble and true to himself.

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