Analysis of In out nature by Gary Turk

📌Category: Literature, Poems
📌Words: 434
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 April 2021

Good morning/good afternoon, welcome to the Queensland Poetry Festival XYZ Innovation in the Spoken Word Competition. The poem I chose is ‘In out nature’ by Gary Turk an Australian poet. The poem is about the environment and our climate, it keeps us alive. If we look after our planet it will look after us. The poem ‘in our nature’ means go outside, go explore natures gifts, stay off your phone and enjoy the time we have with nature. Elements used in this poem are repetition, choice of punctuation, conjunction, rhymes, and similes. The author Gary Turk used these poetic devices in the poem to emphasize the meaning for a poetic response and to get the message out there.  

The visuals are significant in presentations because it stops the readers or listeners from getting bored throughout the whole presentation. They also make the presentation easier to interpret and understand. The visuals help people that might have forgotten what the presentation is about so the visuals would be a reminder. Some visuals have a meaning in the background that you cannot see. They might evaluate what the reader is trying to tell the audience. The visuals I chose represent my poem by the child running into the field away from his dad it signifies the message of go outside enjoy nature while it’s still here.

In the video the section we he was running away from his dad as a kid and his dad caught up to him. They were having fun outside; they show how fun it is to be outside and looking at nature instead of looking through a phone or a window. The visuals added a meaning to the poem by being outside on a cloudy day and having fun. In a presentation visual add meaning to the reason this message is being told. 

Audio in a presentation is vital so it does not sound so boring, so it does not make the audience bored of the words. It adds a meaning if you pick the right song. It emphasizes the message trying to be given to the audience. 

In conclusion the elements in the poem I chose them because they highlight the meaning of the art towards the visuals, the poem and the audio. Overall, the words in the poem and the tone in his voice accentuates the meaning that out climate is important, go outside look at it, not through a phone or a window. If we love and look after the nature it will do the same for us. Lastly the poem I chose ‘In our Nature’ by Gary Turk should win this competition because it raises awareness of our climate and our earth. It also shows that we need to spend more time in our environment while were here. Thank you.

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