Piecing Me Together by Renee Watson Book Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 486
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 10 August 2022

Do you know of a book that got 3 awards and is a New York Times bestseller? The answer would be Renee Watson’s book called Piecing me together. It’s a young adult novel about a black girl who goes to a mostly white school that she got a scholarship to. She admires her mom, and her mom always tells her to take advantage of every opportunity she gets. 

Renee Watson’s coming-of-age novel Piecing Me Together tells the story of a black girl from Portland named Jade, she is poor and won a scholarship to St. Francis. St. Francis is a private school that she got into on a scholarship for Spanish. She doesn’t have any siblings but she has a mom and an uncle that lives with her, her dad left when Jade was young but she still has a somewhat good connection with her dad. Jades like Spanish and she even wants to get into the program where you go to Spain with a couple of kids from school and the teacher. Jade is in a Mentor Program for black kids in Portland. To see what happens to Jade, the Mentor Program, and the Spanish trip, read Piecing Me Together.  

Jade was a part of a school program called “The Woman-to-Woman Program”. When Jade goes to the first Woman to Woman it’s in a library. Jade thinks her mentor is just late but it turns out that her mentor never comes. The next day someone knocks on Jade’s door and it’s her mentor Maxine she says she’s sorry and she gives jade a gift. There was another time when the woman-to-woman group went to an art gallery. Maxine was on time but after the host was done talking, she got a call and Jade had to walk around the gallery with another group. After the group toured the art gallery Maxine was sorry about the call but she already had missed almost the whole tour.  

Jade has a unique relationship with her friends and family. Jade has 2 close friends that we know of Lee lee a friend of Jade’s for a while, and even though Lee lee goes to public school Jade and Lee lee still have a good friendship. Sam is Jade’s other friend she goes to St. Francis with Jade; Sam is new to St. Francis and she’s in most of Jade’s classes. Jade also has family, Jade her mom and her uncle all stay at 1 small house her dad lives in a higher-end house. Jades’ family is close even though her dad is in another house and lives a slightly different lifestyle.   

Jade likes collages as much as she does Spanish. Jade doesn’t like just paintings she likes to do collages mostly, but she likes to take photos of things. She uses her artwork to work through conflicts, but she also uses collages for tons of other things. Jade uses almost anything for her collages from old cards she received to colored paper. Sometimes Lee lee and Sam will help Jade with her collages or they will get supplies for Jade.

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