Importance of Patience in Life

📌Category: Development, Life
📌Words: 433
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 14 April 2021

Although many people say that they need to be patient, their bodies walk honestly on the edge of instant gratification. They always start their work from the simplest and most comfortable part but then indulge in entertainment. Many times, people need a little patience, a little confidence to endure loneliness. Nowadays, those who have achieved fame, have you seen them become famous, have you ever seen their waiting and patience? Every successful person has a period of low and gloomy days. I can almost imagine how they would drink their sorrow and the embarrassment of struggling to survive. They are eager to succeed, but are empty-handed, just like where I am now. On the road of life, patience is indispensable. If there is no patience, it is like a lost ship in the ocean, unable to find a successful landing on the other shore. If there is no patience, it is like a lost child who cannot find the way home. After so many experiences in my high school life, I realized a person cannot smoothly sail in his life. Faced with ups and downs, it may make people feel bad, but if you put all the pain behind, then you will challenge the difficulties against the mentality of success. In the face of failure, you must have patience.

Patience is not about waiting passively, but accumulating nutrients as if an epiphany; it is not about being at ease, but quietly tempering oneself like a cicada; it is not about swallowing the sound but struggling like a penguin. Everyone wants to find the key to open the door for success, but the road to success is not straightforward. “Persistence is victory” This idea is what my father taught me, he said, “Do one thing, no matter what the result will be, but you should be thinking ‘Have you worked hard?’, ‘Have you being patient?’, This is the most important thing.” Since I was a child, my parents have been teaching me the importance of patience, but I never knew the meaning of patience until my sophomore year in high school. That year, I have experienced the test of friendship and academic pressure. I have to think about my future, should I give up like this halfway? No, but I was helpless. I was like a lost lamb looking for an exit in the grassland; A headless fly trying to find a direction and destination. With the help of family, long-term practice, and communication with the teacher throughout the year, I successfully defeated the so-called difficulties. This year, I look back at myself, sometimes I find it ridiculous and annoying, but the only key to overcome difficulties is the people with patience. There are so many gains in life. Fortunately, I unexpectedly gained patience that year. I feel thankful.

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