Essay Sample on Study of Life

📌Category: Biology, Science
📌Words: 500
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 August 2022

A path, a cycle, a new life; for millions of years, it’s always been a question on how creatures like ourselves and resources like water, fire, and air came into space of our planet, considering all there were millions of years ago were Magma, Carbon, and Space Debris in the equilibrium of the world that would eventually become the atmosphere/Ozone layer to the very planet we’re currently standing in post-world time. Yet, theorem and curiosity created a man: a man who would establish the foundation for the future of the study of life. All it would take would be a pea and another pea.

Evolution is an enigma. Nobody exactly understands a housing fundamental of how such a process can happen. Generally, we can come across the idea that for millions of years, we could’ve been nothing more than what could’ve been atomic produce, water, air, and possibly a few more elements (I am most definitely theorizing beyond the point of my statement-). For every generation, we as a race have changed drastically, for the necessary and unnecessary adaptions. As we keep crossing with one of our kin, while the principles are the same, every copy is personalized depending on the said specimen of species. Depending on the organism, there will be different types of reproduction. Sexual Reproduction is when 2 different hosts of the opposite gender have intercourse where the male injects the sperm into the female recipient, where their eggs are fertilized with the male’s sperm. This is where all 23 chromosomes from each (half and half) become 43 total in a single specimen. Asexual Reproduction doesn’t require another host (of any gender). Instead, it’s sort of like Mitosis, as it creates an exact copy/replica of itself. Of course, both of them go a lot deeper than that; such as gamete fusion and DNA transcription, but I’m not going to get into that here. Sexual Reproduction is within the relevance of what we are today, and with the process of evolution comes many different opportunities… but what exactly helps us define those opportunities?

The Punnett square is a tool helping us define traits of a said sample of said species. There are 2 different types of tables: a 2x2 or a 4x4. A 2x2 is usually the table used to define gender or simple traits. A 4x4 can be used for the same reasons, but for simplicity’s sake, it’s better off to use a 2x2. A 4x4 is the table used to define a trait from a specific parent, either the mother or the father. Usually, these types of tables use specific alleles, both Recessive and Dominant, and usually look like this: AbAb, or ABab, and so on. It’s also somewhat of a simple concept, but like many things in the study of Life, many layers are covering a study to fully understand it and grasp its potential and utilize it to the best of your ability.

I think it’s fair to exclaim that the Study of Life will never be complete. You can always create and build on the foundation left by the founding father of Biology, but never finish it. Every day, there are always discoveries necessary to continue and refine history; the enigma that is life.

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