Essay Sample about Methods to Be Creative

📌Category: Development, Life
📌Words: 428
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 July 2022

It piques people’s interest how recent architecture, smart technology and various other sophisticated and new technological services that keeps theme at awe! Nonetheless, if it were not for creativity, none of it would exist. Creativity is a skill that needs to be nurtured. This essay will discuss some methods to be creative. Firstly, how to be resourceful, then learn to be imperfect, in addition to that the six hats technique and finally combined ideas give outstanding results. Resourcefulness is about being honest about your weaknesses, whether it be materials or skills, acknowledging them is a great motivator to be armed with knowledge in these areas. It is not about taking shortcuts, rather achieving results quickly and efficiently. Even if materials are not complete, a person had better be focused on getting things done with what is available, even if that leads to mistakes. To aim for good level of creativity, a person must accept imperfection in his early trials. Leonard Cohen said “There is a crack in everything; that is how the light gets in.” When a baby is learning to walk, he/she falls down thousands of times before s/he learns the concept of walking. Similarly, if a person does not fail several times, he will not get close to the crack of light that leads him/her to that creative thought. Moreover, what was wrong at the time, may come in handy through another crack of light. Edward De Bono’s “Six Hats Technique” implies looking at an issue from six distinct perspectives. The technique goes as follows; use a black hat to look at things negatively, which elements of the solution will not work. Use a blue hat to think broadly what is the best exhaustive solution. Use a green hat to think creatively. Use the red hat to look at things emotionally. Use a white hat to view the situation objectively and use a yellow hat to look at thinks positively. Applying this help produce multiple ideas, even better when a person is knowledgeable and have other peers to brainstorm with. Fusing different ideas requires engaging with different people in their ages, experiences, ways of thinking and visions. Combining them all together will produce splendid clues. In a recent study conducted by British neuroscientist Paul Howard-Jones, he asked people to create stories by giving them only three related words. Another set of people received unrelated words. The people who received the unrelated words made up more creative stories. Different materials mixed with different visions give birth to outstanding results. There are not certain methods to help a person be creative, it mainly depends on how much s/he knows him/herself. When self-knowledge is combined with methods then the skill of creativity will be acquired whether it takes a long or short period of time.

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