Essay Example on Is Presidency Too Powerful?

📌Category: Government, President of the United States
📌Words: 444
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 07 August 2022

From my point of view, I used to see that presidency was powerful. Afterward, I learned about the history of presidency. What I learned made me change my opinion into thinking that presidency is more equal in the United States than other people make it out to be. Throughout major American history, it was mostly equal in my opinion. From the beginning till today presidency has always been equal due to the judicial and the legislative.

The framers of the U.S. Constitution intended for a clear process for removing the chief executive. Impeachment is the act of charging a government official with serious wrongdoing. The process required two steps and both chambers of Congress. Upon conviction and removal, if that occurred, the vice president would become president. Eventually, impeachment was a part of a president's term. Whether good or not, the president could be impeached.

The president has expansive powers over the executive branch of government. Presidents have also developed the concept of executive privilege, or the right to withhold information from Congress, the judiciary, or the public. The right was asserted by George Washington to curtail inquiry into executive branch activities. He established a cabinet or group of advisors to help him administer his duties; today, the heads of the fifteen executive departments serve as his advisers. In 1793, Washington issued a neutrality proclamation that extended his diplomatic powers far more broadly than had been conceived.

George Washington's cabinet was made up of only four people, the attorney general and the secretaries of War, State, and Treasury. Currently, there are fifteen members of the cabinet, including Secretaries of Agriculture, Education, and others. Presidents consider ability, expertise, influence, and reputation when selecting a cabinet. Cabinet nominations are made by the president and confirmed or rejected by the Senate. At times, though rarely, cabinet nominations have failed to be confirmed or withdrawn. Examples of such withdrawals were Senator John Tower for defense secretary (George H. W. Bush) and Zoe Baird for attorney general (Bill Clinton).

The Senate has closely guarded its constitutional duty to consent to the president's nominees, although in the end it nearly always confirms them. Benjamin Fishbourne, President George Washington's nomination for a minor naval post, was rejected largely because he had insulted a senator. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas faced numerous sexual harassment charges from former employees. Merrick Garland is highly respected by senators from both parties and won confirmation to his DC Circuit position by a 76–23 vote in the Senate. The Republican Senate and Judiciary Committee confirmed Trump's nominee, Neil Gorsuch, in April 2017, using the so-called "nuclear option" to break Democrats' filibuster.

Upon conviction and removal, if what was explained occurred, the vice president would become president. Cabinet nominations are made by the president and confirmed or rejected by the Senate. Benjamin Fishbourne, President George Washington’s nomination for a minor naval post, was rejected largely because he had insulted a senator.

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