Essay about Why Failure Is Good For Success?

📌Category: Development, Life
📌Words: 321
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 28 April 2021

People often associate failure with a feeling of disappointment, weakness, and incompetence, when rather it should be something embraced and accepted. By accepting mistakes, people have the opportunity to become better and happier overall. Failures should be used as a learning experience to not repeat errors made and to strive towards improvement.  Thomas Edison was considered to be one of the most successful inventors in American history, although not many mention the failures he had to endure and overcome to achieve his success. The famous light bulb invention took over 1000 prototypes and failed attempts before its creation. Instead of giving up, Edison decided to accept that in order to succeed, failure is necessary. In addition, he turned his setback into an experience he can learn from by mentioning the now famous quote, “I have not failed 10,000 times - I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work”. Edison was able to use his challenges and failures in such a manner that he could see them as a step in discovering the key to his successful creation.If people never had to suffer defeat, they would never have known their true capabilities. When a student experiences academic failure, whether on an exam or worksheet, they will recall their errors the next time they get a similar one. This will allow them to improve, and learn not to repeat the same mistakes. By looking at how an error is made, people can recognize where they make their mistake and can correct it every time they see something similar, making them stronger in the subject overall. If someone gave up as soon as they experienced difficulty, they would never learn how they could have improved.Individuals should use defeat as a valuable opportunity to not replicate their errors, as well as work to improve themselves. People are taught from a young age that failure is something that should be feared. Faults can help us reinvent, rethink, and find new methods and tactics to accomplish our goals no matter how daunting they may seem which is an important part of self-improvement.

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